So here's the deal:
a) because we're online and the world is Super Messed Up, I'll refer to you only by nicknames that will be obvious to you. I think I'll start with Vader & Palpatine. These will change at my whim. The same goes for other family members;
b) the purpose of this thing for now will be to send you all the crap it occurs to me that I should, but that by the time we see you a measly 2 or 3 times a year has slipped my mind. Without hair, there's nothing to keep it in there except my spongy skull which, frankly, hasn't got a chance;
c) I'll be putting up YouTube versions of the songs so you can actually hear them as you read instead of worrying about downloading, which...
d) ...can be done with an app for your Kindle Fires that you can get for free, called Dropbox. Because online file sharing gets dicier with every passing moment, I'll be putting the songs (or books or movies or whatever) I mention on a shared Dropbox folder for you to pull onto whatever electronic rectangle you so choose. This may require your mother to put in some kind of password, because I don't know whether you even have e-mail addresses, because the world is Super Messed Up;
e) There is no e) in this list;
f)I believe you should be able to comment without e-mail addresses, which will let me know what you think of the stuff I post. Some of it you'll have no interest in. Some of it you'll actively dislike. Some of it you'll love. Some of it will annoy the old people around you, and sometimes that's all you need, isn't it?
Anyway. It begins. Now to decide what exactly it is I should start with.
Music is good for the brain. Your mother's Jimmy Buffett and Darth's strange love for KISS are fine up to a point, and your Aunts and their showtunes are an important part of family bonding (just cave in and get used to these. They aren't all bad - but stay away when they're singing them. Hide downstairs. Or steal the car. Just get out however you can. Fly, you fools! Fly!). But you'll be happier when you stretch out a little beyond this. Also beyond pop radio, which, again, is fine and entertaining. But sometimes, it just won't do. Pop songs are like chewing gum from a machine at the mall: tasty for a little while, but you can only get so much out of them before they get pretty bland and cardboard-y. It's good to have something a little more meaty and nutritious stashed someplace. I seem to have moved from chewing gum to dog food. Metaphors are not my strength.
PS - never, ever read YouTube comments. Across the board, without exception, only morons comment on YouTube clips. Sad, lonely, vicious people who exist to drag the world down. Just listen.
To begin, a couple of random favorites by the Kinks:
Sunny Afternoon (1966)
(No, the video is pretty obviously not a live performance. But the video isn't important.)
Stop Your Sobbing (1964)
(I find this useful to sing sarcastically to whining people. Start by reciting the lyrics, and gradually break into song.)
Powerman (1970)
Rats (1970)
Now it's your turn. Just listen. Then come back in a few days or a week and listen again to see if it sounds different. Or if I've put a bunch of other stuff on here.
Have fun
Bald Man with a Cowlick
I love Rats Vader
ReplyDeleteGreat guitar, right? The band was started by 2 brothers. Ray Davies writes/sings almost all of their stuff, but Ray will always sneak up on you. He played guitar on most everything; he didn't write a lot but it was all good stuff.